
The Hip Store x The Casual Connoisseur Weir Hat

The inspiration behind this latest effort from CC and Hip isn’t hard to decipher. But when you’ve done so many variations it’s hard to avoid something looking a bit close to club colours. Plus, the public gets what the public wants, innit?

I reckon it’s pretty admirable how Casualco have kept each individual colourway limited to the same numbers instead of bumping them up. Of course that means their efforts to meet the overwhelming demand have to take a different form, and that means more variety than Heinz. Literally there must have been almost as many, and with the inspirations being taken from the whole spectrum of cool and anti-cool, nobody can point at finger at them for showing favouritism in any direction. They’ve even used chocolate bars as a colourful cue. There’s a thought, edible weirs…

If they don’t sell out quicksmart, I’ll eat my hat. Maybe literally.

Click here to grab one when they go online at 9am tomorrow (Thursday 5th)

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