


Hopefully by now you will have gotten over your NYE hangover/comedown/boring night in and will have taken January 2011 firmly by the horns. Either that or you’ll be suffering from post-traumatic stress type symptoms, considering garrotting your boss on an hourly basis and thinking of how you can stow away on the next flight to somewhere, anywhere less cold and miserable than here.


We’ve fielded quite a few requests for Issue 9 recently but it has sold out, we don’t even have a spare copy for ourselves. We’re planning a ‘Best Of’ featuring the good stuff from issues 1-9 in 2011 but in the meantime we thought we’d whet your appetite with a little snippet of our interview with the chap behind Superdenim in Issue 9, released in late summer 2010.


Now and again we like to look backwards and pluck things from our archive. Some stuff is timeless isn’t it? Take John Shuttleworth for example. He’s seemingly never been a young man but equally he’s not aged has he? With that in mind we’ve decided to publish an interview we did with the great man a full seven and a half years ago.


There are those of us in life who find it hard to get out of bed most mornings who live for the weekends and a lie-in then maybe a stroll to the pub if we can be arsed. And then there are those people that really show us up for being the lazy gets that we are, take one of Proper Mag’s heroes, Sir Ranulph Fiennes, pretty much the closest you can get to being a living Super-hero


Who seriously drinks Carling these days? Why would you? It is to beer what Henley t-shirts are to fashion and James Corden is to comedy. Yes, that’s right we’re well snobbish. To try and get to the root of this we decided to see what the Campaign for Real Ale had to say about it.


Richard Gill is the foremost retailer of vintage clothing in Manchester. Having occupied various retail spaces around the Northern Quarter of the city over a ten year period,…


Rarely would you find a shop inspired by a culture of shoplifting so it’s no surprise to see that the only example of such a place is in Liverpool. Tired and predictable stereotypes aside, Transalpino is a genuine source of impressive footwear for match going types countrywide despite only being a year old. The business itself was established just 14 months ago in September 2006, with the website following a few weeks later.


As a local lad made good we can’t believe it took us a couple of issues before we got in touch with Dominic Stansfield. It’s not just the local angle that appeals though. His clothes are and always have been blessed with bags of character and individual without getting anywhere near the realms of looking daft. Quite the opposite in fact. It’s all ace. So we had a chat.


If you take a tape of dance music history and rewind it back to the start, it doesn’t stop where house music started in the late 80s. Looking further back than that we have soul and disco, then jazz-funk. However, quantum changes in the way dance music sounded and also the way it was played occurred in the early 80s with the development and use of electronic technology, such as synthesisers and drum machines.