


On Sunday 21st August Nudie Jeans teams up with SEXBEAT for the second year running to co-present RADFEST one-day music festival. SEXBEAT, an inaugural figure in London’s diy music scene over the last 4 years is renowned in the UK for unique live shows by acts like Ariel Pink, Fucked Up and Salem in a host of alternative venues ranging from hidden vaults to 17th century churches


Its all well and good being kitted out in the finest gear available to man but if you’re wearing a pair of Fred Flintstone boxers and a Primark vest underneath it all then quite frankly, you’re a dickhead. Its one thing looking good but feeling good is just as, if not more important..


Any mod/cool person worth their speed/salt should know all about the legendary artist Peter Blake and his impeccable works of (pop) art. The word ‘pop’ couldn’t be more apt for his particular brand of impressive album design, having worked on covers for the Beatles, The Who, Paul Weller and Oasis.


Its always good to find out about a new label, especially when it comes from one of our favourite cities and looks as good (or should that be ‘grand’?) as this stuff. We’ve seen lots of highly respected designers featuring great accessories made from Irish materials of late so it’s really nice to see an actual Irish label at last..


Bought a flat, got married, turned 30, joined the Campaign for Real Ale and became addicted to Countryfile – there is no escaping from the fact my life has gone all grown up. The times, “they are a changing” (see I’ve even started listening to Bob Dylan) the transition has also been reflected in my appearance. The wardrobe consists of more shoes not trainers, knitwear not sportswear, durable wax coats not sports jackets FFS I’ve even started wearing bobble hats.


OK it’s that time of year when the sun is out and you want to enjoy some cool wind in your hair and perhaps the warm smell of colitas, whatever the fuck they are? And what better way to emulate Don Henley by getting a nice white, medium weight, 100% cotton t-shirt to wear whilst sipping your pink champagne on ice?


Just like a (well dressed, vintage 1950s) bus, we don’t have a competition on here for ages then two turn up at once. Anyway, dodgy metaphors aside, this week those suave Bolognans at 12th Man have given us three amazing prizes to be won, all of which are ideal garments for the forthcoming summer months …