


Now and again we like to look backwards and pluck things from our archive. Some stuff is timeless isn’t it? Take John Shuttleworth for example. He’s seemingly never been a young man but equally he’s not aged has he? With that in mind we’ve decided to publish an interview we did with the great man a full seven and a half years ago.


Well finally, the Serge Gainsbourg biopic has landed on our fair shores. Having purposely avoided any reviews, we’ve no idea if it’s any good or not but going by the trailer it looks pretty special.


There are those of us in life who find it hard to get out of bed most mornings who live for the weekends and a lie-in then maybe a stroll to the pub if we can be arsed. And then there are those people that really show us up for being the lazy gets that we are, take one of Proper Mag’s heroes, Sir Ranulph Fiennes, pretty much the closest you can get to being a living Super-hero


Back in January the Proper Magazine bandwagon limped into London and our first port of call was a certain cool complex near to Russell Square.

Within this impressive building the 6876 studio exists.


Winter is just a short hike around the corner (and up a snow-flecked hill) and the question is, will this mountaineering palarver continue to prevail? Are you even into it? Well, we suggest you take this quiz in readiness for the wind and sleet arriving. After all, there is no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing.


Ralph against Rene. Lauren versus Lacoste. Which is best and why? Are you arsed? We’re not (we are).

Prompted by this ace/daft t-shirt we started thinking. Who would win in a fight to the death?


We’ve long been fans of 6876 so it was with curiosity we headed down to their HQ earlier this year. On that occasion we saw the first samples of Kenneth MacKenzie’s collaboration with the Regent Belt Company, released soon after under the name of R6. Well, that stuff obviously went down well because it’s back again with a second collection for AW10.


If you’re like me & you don’t just resemble Ollie Reed but you often find yourself feeling like him, then I’m sure you’d welcome all advice (however pathetic/dangerous/morally wrong it is) on how to get rid of them, so here’s my advice.


When our mate Lee posted a link to this video on our forum back in March the responses were emphatic. “The best thing I have ever seen” was one. “That is fucking ace” was another. Unfortunately we didn’t have a website to share it with you all at that point and since then the world and his wife has been trying to decipher the lyrics while trying not to tap their Clarks wearing feet to the tune.


I recently realised my photobucket account contained several hundred images, most of which were photos of clothes or shoes I’d sold. So, slightly inspired by the ace oneupmanship blog amongst others, I thought it’d be an interesting twist on the ‘recent pickups’ style posts but instead of things I’ve recently bought I’d post about things I’ve long since sold.


Who seriously drinks Carling these days? Why would you? It is to beer what Henley t-shirts are to fashion and James Corden is to comedy. Yes, that’s right we’re well snobbish. To try and get to the root of this we decided to see what the Campaign for Real Ale had to say about it.


Richard Gill is the foremost retailer of vintage clothing in Manchester. Having occupied various retail spaces around the Northern Quarter of the city over a ten year period,…


Rarely would you find a shop inspired by a culture of shoplifting so it’s no surprise to see that the only example of such a place is in Liverpool. Tired and predictable stereotypes aside, Transalpino is a genuine source of impressive footwear for match going types countrywide despite only being a year old. The business itself was established just 14 months ago in September 2006, with the website following a few weeks later.