


Have you ever wondered what you’d save if your house was on fire? Obviously family and pets would come first (unless your family are divs and your pets stink), but after that, what would you save? Gerry very kindly opened a window to his mind and has taken a few pictures in order to share his top ten.


We thought we’d kick start this new ‘shop ten’ feature where the coolest shops in the world send us a list of ten random things that are currently blowing their trumpet by starting with our Munich mates at Harvest.


Around ten years ago I was working in a call centre outside Manchester. Myself and some colleagues returned from lunch and were travelling by elevator. An older guy called Tom from Sales jumped in just as the doors were closing.

He began making small talk with someone as he stood directly in front of me. I was transfixed, unable to break my stare from his face.


As a bit of a sucker for a bit of vintage Americana, I’ve been buying parkas and jackets from the other side of the water for quite a few years now. I thought I’d had every conceivable combination so far, from vintage Izod Lacoste of all shapes and sizes, to Woolrich 65/35 Mountain Parkas and the better known 60/40 Parkas from Sierra Designs and many others.


We got a very interesting email from a graduate of St Martins called Rohan Chhabra this week (I feel like Jimmy Saville reading this out) asking if we were interested in seeing his coat, after looking at the pictures we thought we’d mis-read it and he’d actually said goat…


Now and again we like to look backwards and pluck things from our archive. Some stuff is timeless isn’t it? Take John Shuttleworth for example. He’s seemingly never been a young man but equally he’s not aged has he? With that in mind we’ve decided to publish an interview we did with the great man a full seven and a half years ago.


Well finally, the Serge Gainsbourg biopic has landed on our fair shores. Having purposely avoided any reviews, we’ve no idea if it’s any good or not but going by the trailer it looks pretty special.


There are those of us in life who find it hard to get out of bed most mornings who live for the weekends and a lie-in then maybe a stroll to the pub if we can be arsed. And then there are those people that really show us up for being the lazy gets that we are, take one of Proper Mag’s heroes, Sir Ranulph Fiennes, pretty much the closest you can get to being a living Super-hero


Back in January the Proper Magazine bandwagon limped into London and our first port of call was a certain cool complex near to Russell Square.

Within this impressive building the 6876 studio exists.


Winter is just a short hike around the corner (and up a snow-flecked hill) and the question is, will this mountaineering palarver continue to prevail? Are you even into it? Well, we suggest you take this quiz in readiness for the wind and sleet arriving. After all, there is no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing.


Ralph against Rene. Lauren versus Lacoste. Which is best and why? Are you arsed? We’re not (we are).

Prompted by this ace/daft t-shirt we started thinking. Who would win in a fight to the death?


We’ve long been fans of 6876 so it was with curiosity we headed down to their HQ earlier this year. On that occasion we saw the first samples of Kenneth MacKenzie’s collaboration with the Regent Belt Company, released soon after under the name of R6. Well, that stuff obviously went down well because it’s back again with a second collection for AW10.


If you’re like me & you don’t just resemble Ollie Reed but you often find yourself feeling like him, then I’m sure you’d welcome all advice (however pathetic/dangerous/morally wrong it is) on how to get rid of them, so here’s my advice.