


Bought a flat, got married, turned 30, joined the Campaign for Real Ale and became addicted to Countryfile – there is no escaping from the fact my life has gone all grown up. The times, “they are a changing” (see I’ve even started listening to Bob Dylan) the transition has also been reflected in my appearance. The wardrobe consists of more shoes not trainers, knitwear not sportswear, durable wax coats not sports jackets FFS I’ve even started wearing bobble hats.


OK it’s that time of year when the sun is out and you want to enjoy some cool wind in your hair and perhaps the warm smell of colitas, whatever the fuck they are? And what better way to emulate Don Henley by getting a nice white, medium weight, 100% cotton t-shirt to wear whilst sipping your pink champagne on ice?


Just like a (well dressed, vintage 1950s) bus, we don’t have a competition on here for ages then two turn up at once. Anyway, dodgy metaphors aside, this week those suave Bolognans at 12th Man have given us three amazing prizes to be won, all of which are ideal garments for the forthcoming summer months …


Our new old mate Carl at The Original Store worded us up about this a good few weeks ago now. This was inbetween us collectively putting the world to rights and discussing “what comes next” in terms of clothing.

For The Original Store at least, this marks a slight departure. Only a slight one, mind. The bottom line is Heritage Research make good clothes and The Original Store likes selling good clothes.


I have become a walker. A rambler if you will.This fate has befallen me out of desire for an item of clothing. A Berghaus Riot Jacket in ‘Goldenrod’ yellow. Well, you would wouldn’t you?


Surely one of the best things about the hi-tech shenaniganary that is ‘the internet’ is the immediate access to hitherto unknown musical genres, tastes, scenes and mixes. Were it not for the magic of broadband we’d probably still be referring to the music press, annoying radio stations and Later with Jools Holland before deciding what to write on our school bags,


Once in a while we get a bit sick of the sound of our own voices and feel the need to sprinkle a few extra spicy ingredients into the Proper Magazine pie. Spicy is one way to describe the unforgiving, cynical and downright brilliant eye on the world offered by our friend Richard Green. Read on to find out more about ten films that will depress your tits right off.


Avid Proper Magazine readers will have noted our past (and current) appreciation for Terry Farley/Faith and a very smart online shop called the original store.

As such we’re bang into this little collaboration between the two. Featuring a mix CD by Faith’s and Boys Own Terry Farley and Jimmy P, it’s another very limited edition t-shirt project between the two.


So any-way, being Stockport’s answer to Karl Lagerfeld and Gok Wan, we headed over to Paris last weekend to check out the Capsule and Rendez-Vous trade shows. Something neither of us thought we’d ever end up doing but since issue ten of the mag has blown everyone’s socks off and very nearly sold out in just a month. We decided it’s time to take this clothing lark seriously, well as seriously as we can be.


As we’ve said on numerous occasions previous to this one, John is our patron saint of humour. Or comedy. Your choice which. If you’re not aware of his work, perhaps it’s about time your gave your head a wobble and check him out on youbend. Or is it youtube? Or better still maybe you could go and see him live?


Medical research. I bet if you think of those two words together you think of those “botched” trials from a few years ago when that blokes head swelled to the size of a beach ball. And then his hands fell off, in true Garth Marenghi fashion.


s you may or may not know I (Neil) am very fond of graphic novels,usually ones that have a factual narrative and are ideally based around a war of some sort. So just thought I’d give you a heads up on my latest find, actually it was more of a present than a find (thanks love). Having read all ten volumes of the brilliant Hiroshima survivor ‘Barefoot Gen’, I’d since experienced something of a lull in decent comics for grown-ups.